CapGen Seeds promotes the expansion of Papaya cultivation in Spain with Technical Seminars in the Canary Islands.

Producers and experts meet to explore the opportunities for papaya cultivation in the national and international market.

CapGen Seeds promotes agricultural innovation by organising technical visits to papaya growers in Tenerife and Gran Canaria. Following the success of PAPAYALAB 2023, on 12 and 13 November we brought together growers, marketers and experts from Spain and the Canary Islands, reaffirming our commitment to the development of this crop.

Innovation in Papaya Cultivation: The Canary Islands as a Benchmark

These technical sessions allowed attendees to explore the good agronomic practices that have positioned the Canary Islands as a benchmark in papaya cultivation. Participants toured key farms, observing advanced management techniques and marketing strategies, which are essential to guarantee the quality and sustainability of the product. They also discussed the adaptation of these techniques to the southeast of the peninsula, where papaya cultivation is emerging with a promising future.

Emerging Opportunity on the Peninsula

While in the Canary Islands papaya is already an established crop, in the peninsula it is presented as an innovative opportunity. Mainland producers, interested in diversifying their crops, identified the climatic conditions of southeastern Spain as ideal for replicating the success of the Canary Islands. The possibility of positioning papaya as a competitive product in European markets was one of the key points of the meeting.

Caballero Plant Visita Canarias 5317 copia CapGen Seeds

Papaya: A Superfood with Great Potential

During the conference, the nutritional benefits of papaya were highlighted, such as its high content of vitamin C, antioxidants and enzymes such as papain, which make it a healthy option for consumers concerned about their wellbeing. This superfood is recognised for its ability to strengthen the immune system and improve digestion, which increases its demand in national and international markets.

Collaboration and Sustainable Future

CapGen Seeds underlined its vision of connecting knowledge between territories to create new agricultural opportunities. Following the visits, strategies to increase the visibility of papaya in Europe were discussed, consolidating the role of CapGen Seeds as a leader in the promotion of innovative crops. Attendees showed great interest in further strengthening this collaborative network, anticipating new editions of PAPAYALAB and future technical meetings.

With these initiatives, CapGen Seeds reaffirms its commitment to sustainability and innovation in the agricultural sector, positioning papaya as a profitable and high-value alternative for both local and international markets.



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