CapGen Seeds demonstrates efficiency in ToBRFV resistance with new tomato varieties

CapGen Seeds confirms resistance to Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV) in new pre-commercial varieties

Trials carried out by CapGen Seeds have successfully demonstrated that its pre-commercial tomato varieties offer effective resistance against ToBRFV. According to Elena Pérez, head of R&D&I at the company, “We have not detected any symptoms in the resistant plants, which are performing excellently”. This resistance has been evidenced by comparing the resistant plants with vulnerable varieties, which showed visible symptoms on the leaves and fruit while the resistant plants remained healthy.

International trials and encouraging results

Obelix Plant CapGen Seeds

CapGen Seeds is conducting trials with ToBRFV-resistant tomato varieties in several countries, including Italy, Mexico and Morocco. International results have also confirmed the effectiveness of virus resistance in these pre-commercial varieties. Rafael Cremades, Managing Director of CapGen Seeds, comments: “We are very satisfied with the results obtained. This allows us to offer our customers a wide range of high quality tomatoes with proven resistance to ToBRFV”.

Innovation and Sustainability in Seed Procurement

Instalaciones 1 CapGen Seeds

We are in the process of expanding our offer to include a wider range of ToBRFV-resistant tomatoes. This effort will encompass several varieties, such as salad, cherry, pear and industrial tomatoes. Our goal is to provide options that not only meet the different needs and preferences of our customers, but also ensure resistance to the virus. With this expansion, we aim to strengthen our market position and offer more complete solutions adapted to the current demands of the agricultural sector.

At CapGen Seeds we are dedicated to innovation and sustainability, providing vegetable seeds that ensure profitable and environmentally friendly production. We have a team of highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in the sector. Our commitment is to develop varieties that meet the needs of farmers and consumers, guaranteeing quality and resistance.



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