The seed house of Almeria origin, CapGen Seeds, has conducted several open days in the area of Zafarraya (Granada), between late September and early October, in order to meet first hand the farmer in this area and also to present one of the star varieties of the company, as is the large caliber oval tomato Obelix.
In this case, the aim was to demonstrate the performance of the Obelix variety with the rootstock of the same company, Mozart, in short cycles in the area of Zafarraya (Granada). For this purpose, the workshops have been divided in time, leaving two weeks between each other, giving the farmer the opportunity to see the same crop in different conditions.

There were many farmers and field technicians from distributors in the area, such as Hortoventas technicians, who came to the conference to learn first-hand about the large-caliber oval tomato they had heard so much about, but had not had the opportunity to see until now. And many of these were also those who repeated their interest in the second round of the day, to assess the evolution of the crop after the change in temperature and rainfall.
Obelix in Zafarraya
The conference was led by Arantxa Victoria, new sales manager of CapGen Seeds and responsible for the province of Granada and Malaga. She was joined by Lucas Ruiz, responsible for tomato development, to solve any technical questions from growers, as well as Jose Antonio Ibarra, the company’s sales representative.

“We thank all those interested for their travel, also for the recommendation of our Obelix tomato in the Hortoventas cooperative and the acceptance of the variety among farmers. It was an extraordinary moment shared“, says Arantxa Victoria, sales manager in the area of Granada.
From CapGen Seeds, they inform us that these are not the only days that will be held, but they are already preparing the next days, but this time in the area of western Almeria, where they promise to present the latest developments they have prepared, in addition to other varieties that are already established in the market.