Obelix tomato withstands this atypical spring and becomes even more robust

13 June 2022

The spring of this year 2022 is being one of the most atypical we have experienced in recent years. Changes in the climate are increasingly evidencing global warming, which has a special impact on sectors such as agriculture. In Spain, crops are affected by these unexpected changes.

13 June 2022

The spring of this year 2022 is being one of the most atypical we have experienced in recent years. Changes in the climate are increasingly evidencing global warming, which has a special impact on sectors such as agriculture. In Spain, crops are affected by these unexpected changes.


Agriculture in Almeria this spring 2022

The province of Almeria has experienced a series of unusual phenomena, such as the presence of a dense haze that flooded the air in Almeria on several occasions. It had not occurred for several decades. This phenomenon has been present throughout the spring due to dust and sand particles from the sub-Saharan desert that reached the south of the peninsula. The haze reached its peak in mid-March in Almeria, leaving the skies tinged with orange and the worst air quality in Spain. This phenomenon has hindered the flowering of plants and pollination.

In addition, the province is witnessing one of the rainiest springs in the last 100 years according to the state meteorological agency (AEMET). Proof of this is the recovery of reserves in reservoirs and reservoirs, which have increased their water level up to four times more since the end of winter. The excess rainfall has negatively affected crops due to an overabundance of water and humidity.

The last stretch of this season is also not being easy due to heat waves that have brought high temperatures throughout the peninsula. This produces a loss of moisture in the plant, which can bring peseta or poorer quality fruit.

Obelix tomate pera

CapGen Seeds bets on the Obelix tomato

The company from Almeria tells us about the monitoring and behavior of one of its varieties during this adverse weather. Specifically we are exposed to its oval tomato Obelix F1. The monitoring has been carried out by several agricultural Sales Technicians from El Ejido, Níjar and La Cañada de San Urbano.

The Obelix fruit have performed very well in the face of temperature variability and the muddy conditions caused by the downpours. The fruit has continued to develop optimally without streaking or staining, saving the farmers’ harvest. These agricultural professionals feel at ease with this variety and affirm that “the plants have been all champions against this unusual weather and have only been affected a little by the soil, as is natural”.

CapGen Seeds

Capital Genetic’s development team has also discovered a new high resistance (HR) that widens the shell of the Obelix oval tomato and makes it even more robust. This is Pf resistance (Passalora fulva), formerly known as Ff (Fulvia fulva), according to the International Seeds Federation. It is a fungus that interacts with tomato leaves and can be found in wet production areas. This disease mainly affects covered and poorly ventilated crops. Its damage to the plant is considerable, as it can cause very appreciable decreases in fruit yield.

Obelix F1 is a novel and attractive option for oval tomato growers. Its pronounced elongated oval shape, together with its high yield and large caliber make it a great ally for the season. An obelix tomato has an average weight of 180 to 200 grams, and is suitable for both short and long cycles.

This year is its second year as a commercial variety and it is already recommended by several national cooperatives due to its excellent results and its success among growers.

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