CapGen Seeds will invest in facilities, release new software and generate employment in the new season

Rising energy costs are driving companies around the world to embrace energy efficiency and Capital Genetic – CapGen Seeds is joining the cause

Our company is going to make improvements to the facilities at its headquarters. These changes are especially related to the air conditioning and lighting systems. In the company we seek to obtain the best comfort parameters during the activity of our employees in the facilities. We want to use the least possible amount of energy resources, avoiding excessive and unnecessary monthly energy expenditure and doing our bit for sustainability.

In addition, we are studying the application of solutions that improve the development of production in a more efficient way. More and more companies in all sectors are considering the energy transition to reduce energy consumption in order to be more environmentally friendly.

According to Rafael Cremades, our commercial and marketing director at CapGen Seeds, states that:

 “The conclusion of the operation will be positive because it will benefit the environment by reducing energy consumption. We will have a good reputation for raising awareness and initiating these actions for the conservation of the environment and the investment will be quickly recovered with increased dividends from energy savings in the coming years.”

The company will not only seek self-consumption, but will also create employment in this new campaign in which new people will join and become part of the ranks of CapGen Seeds. These people will reinforce the different departments of the company.

The departments of which they will be part will be: the production department in which they will help with the production and logistics of the company. There will also be additions in the commercial department to expand the areas of operation with our horticultural varieties and thus be able to offer a good advisory service, through frequent visits to farmers’ farms. In the same way, there will also be reinforcements in the marketing department to improve the communication and visibility of the company. Finally, the laboratory staff will also grow, thus increasing the scientific community within the company, focusing on research, testing and development of new varieties.

CapGen Seeds does not want to be left behind and is going to launch a new continuous improvement project with new software. It is a system that will improve coordination between employees, departments and customer relations. This will increase efficiency in each of the internal processes, together with the reduction of response times, thus offering a better experience that will increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.



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